Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) contains a deep history, and is the third oldest form of medicine. Traditional Chinese Medicine includes: Acupuncture, Herbal medicine, Tui-na therapeutic massage, Diet, as well as meditational techniques to heal the body. The fact that TCM has endured for thousands of years, and is still utilized nowadays is a testament to its worth as a form of healthcare.
Natural Medicines form the very foundation of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The Chinese Medicine practitioner offers dozens of medicinal herbs at their disposal, which have been utilized and studied over many hundreds of years. The application of these herbs includes diagnostics and pharmacology, and is specifically tailored to the needs of the individual individual. A very popular tenant of Chinese Medicine is the belief of treating the patients underlying problem or the root of the problem. The branch of symptoms displayed within the individual are the outward manifestations of a deeper underlying cause. When the root cause of illness is being treated the "branches" will invariably clear up.
Acupuncture is really a system rooted in this vast traditional healthcare system. It's origins date back to more than 2,000 years ago, developing in the Han Dynasty. Historically, physicians utilized acupuncture to balance the bodies natural energy system. When this system was out of balance, people would experience "Dis- ease".
Nowadays in Modern China, as well as in the west, Acupuncture is used as an integrative medicine or stand-alone to treat a wide-range of problems. The system involves placing small non-invasive needles that are inserted into specific anatomical points scattered throughout the body. By placing acupuncture needles into certain acupuncture points you initiate a naturally occurring healing response. Receiving acupuncture encourages the body to promote natural healing and to improve work.
Cupping is really a conventional system that has been used in the east for hundreds of years. It relieves inflammation and improves circulation to an area. This technique works by making a vacuum by placing the cupping glass over the skin. The cup creates suction on the skin, exciting the area, and increasing blood flow.
A small amount of direct moxibustion: moxa or mugwort is cone-shaped and positioned over the acupuncture point. It is considered one of the very best treatments. In particular the effect of moxibustion on immune function was studied at Kyushu University in Japan. It's benefits have been reported as early as 1927 by Dr. Shimetaro. However, outside of Japan, it will never be performed on a routine basis. Directly tipped off blistering might have some undesirable results, such as, burn marks over the site, and hesitated scars. Avoid damaging the skin. Some practitioners prefer burning moxa between medium (slice ginger, topical paste, etc.) simply before it reaches the skin. Moxibustion sometimes referred to as non-scarring moxibustion directly or indirect moxibustion classification should not be considered the possible results derived straight from the primary effect of such direct moxibustion.